Breeding / Mating Journal

12 min read

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:new:MUTANT Breeding updated!:new:


So you want pups huh? This is a fun part! Your canids can breed! You can have all kinds of fun designing the babies!

Whether it be between two, completely normal canids, two loving mutants, or on one of those cold, lonely nights, things turn hot and steamy between a mutant and a canid, you can make a family!

All you need are two consenting adults! aaaaand a few other things..

:bulletred: RESTRICTIONS :bulletred:

During breeding you are only allowed to keep 1 pup (each parent), the rest need to be put up for adoption. Breeding will depend on the size of the mother, being that a smaller dog would not be able to carry the pup of a huge male.

There are a few terms of eligibility:
-Both parents must be a minimum of 2 years old
-You and your Character must be a member/ and part of the group for a minimum of 6 months!
-Both parents must have completed their training and be full fledged members of their district
-Both parents must have permission to mate from their leader (you must message the group to request pups)
-Your character cannot have any strikes in their activity (strikes can be amended over time)
-You must let us know when your pups will be born (to give time for designs)
-Your character cannot run away to have a one night stand with another canid/mutant just for pups (if you have any questions about whether or not your character can breed with a character from another district OR an NPC, you MUST contact the group)
- Do not make NPC pups for others to adopt out
-Both partners must complete the assignments before becoming (OFFICIAL MATES)

**Official mate - means that your characters are allowed to have puppies together (your characters may be considered mates before they are group official, but they won't be noted as such by leaders, and they are unable to bear puppies, but can still adopt)

[no past litters between member's characters allowed - You may not advertise for adopting pups if you are not official - prospecting pups will be denied into the group]

Please do not attempt loopholes and have respect for our mating rules -
They are made to give more meaning to your character's relationship in group and show you've well earned it!

Assignment to become official mates

- 3 FULL drawings from each member (shown effort)


- 3 written submissions from each member, each 1000 words long


- Role play interactions

NOTE: You are NOT allowed to use mandatory assignments or training for any of these!
(you are allowed to use optional events and challenges)

Once you are ready to be mated, please note the group and ask the admins to review it!


Small Group:
25lbs - 60lbs

Medium Group:
61lbs - 100lbs

Large Group:
101lbs - 150lbs

Extra Large Group:
151lbs - 200lbs

Giant Group:
201lbs - 250lbs (max)

Please see the list of breeds here!…

:new::new:*If your character is a MALE, he can only breed with others who are directly above or below their tier. If she is a FEMALE, she may breed with males who are 1 tier directly above, and 2 tiers directly below her! You will need to specify your character's ENDING weight or size in their application!

-If a dog mates with another who is in the same tier, or 1 above or below them, the resulting pup(s) may belong to either tier
-If a female is 2 tiers above a male, the resulting pup(s) will ALL be an in-between size

Example 1: 1 female dog is in the Medium tier, and a male dog is in the Large tier, the resulting pup(s) may belong to either the Medium or Large tiers

Example 2: 1 female dog is in the Extra Large tier, and a male dog is in the Medium tier, the resulting pup(s) will all belong to the Medium and Large Tier (If your dogs are separated by a tier like in this scenario, they will not get to be in the largest tier, only the 2 smaller ones)

Breeding will depend on WEIGHT, not necessarily species - Dogs breeds / species have a general minimum and maximum weight / size, but there will always be deviations from these sizes! (Please be aware you may deviate from normal sizes, but you need to remain ideally realistic) If you have a medium sized dog, but you want them to be considered for the Large group (to mate with mediums and extra large groups instead of small and large groups), just add a few pounds to bump them over the edge

Mutants have their own specialized breeding below!

For normal breeding, both parents may not have any mutant blood in them

First! Take your parents and figure out what breed they are (that should be fairly simple by now)

Look at the breed tier above and figure out if it is even possible for them to breed. Your parent's mate MUST be directly above or below yours to be able to have offspring (except in females who get an additional tier directly below).

If yes, and you do not have anything that conflicts with the above restrictions, contact the group leader and arrange your breeding.

We will be using the dice and coin method (dice will be used to decide the amount of pups, coin will determine the gender of the pup)

Finally, you and your partner will receive a pup if you'd like (and have 2 or more pups) and the rest will need to be adopted to other members (Pup designs are NOT allowed to leave the group)

Normal dogs do not have a death roll!


For mutant breeding, if at least 1 parent is at least a PRIMARY, SECONDARY, or TERTIARY mutant, you use this process

Mutant breeding will essentially work the same way normal breeding does, except with a few penalties

Mutants are categorized into 3 tiers: Primary, Secondary and Tertiary. * means it requires an additional survival roll per each pup!

- Fullbloods can breed to ANY tier of mutant
        -full-blood x full-blood = full-blood
        -full-blood x half-blood = half-blood (diluted)
        -full-blood x primary = half-blood
        -full-blood x secondary = primary
        -full-blood x tertiary = secondary

- Half-bloods can breed to ANY tier of mutant
        -half-blood x full-blood = half-blood
        -half-blood x half-blood = primary
        -half-blood x primary = primary OR secondary
        -half-blood x secondary = secondary
        -half-blood x tertiary = secondary

- Primary can breed to full-bloods, primaries, secondaries, and tertiary mutants to create half-bloods, secondaries and tertiaries
        -primary x full-blood = half blood
        -primary x half-blood = primary
        -primary x primary = primary OR secondary
        -primary x secondary = secondary OR tertiary
        -primary x tertiary = tertiary OR death/feral *

- Secondary can breed to full-bloods, half-bloods, primaries, secondaries, and tertiaries
        -secondary x full-blood = primary
        -secondary x half-blood = secondary
        -secondary x primary = secondary OR tertiary
        -secondary x secondary = tertiary
        -secondary x tertiary = tertiary OR death/feral*
- Tertiary can breed with full-bloods, half-bloods, primaries and secondaries
        -tertiary x full-blood = secondary
        -tertiary x half-blood = secondary
        -tertiary x primary = secondary OR tertiary
        -tertiary x secondary = tertiary OR death/feral*
        -tertiary x tertiary = death/feral*

If at least 1 parent is a mutant, (a primary and a full-blood is the only exceptions of parents to this rule since they make a half-blood) you must have a survival roll to see if puppies are possible. You must ask the admins for the survival roll. If it fails, each pup will received a survival coin flip, and the process is taken to the next step!



For this process, we will be using a random dice / random coin flip generator! Feel free to request watching us roll and flip live with a!

Once your character has successfully conceived, there will be another roll to find how many they will have, and what gender they will be.

The admins will use a coin and dice method to determine the gender and number of pups in your female's litter. (Where the dice determines the number of pups, and the coin determines the gender)

Going on, the dice method is also used for normal births, as well as mutant births

For example, the admins will roll a dice to determine the number of pups in the litter. If the dice lands on 4, your parents will have 4 pups!

A coin will be flipped to determine the genders of the cubs [males = heads, and females = tails!]
Example: If you get 3 heads flips and 1 tails, you will have 3 male pups, and 1 female pup!

For normal breedings, it stops here (you will have a total of ex: 4 pups, 3 male, 1 female).

But for mutants, you have a  survival roll (for litters ending with primary, secondary, and tertiary pups!). This determines how many of the pups that you get will die due to their mutation (halfbloods are given a pass)

-A coin will be flipped: HEADS = No Survival Roll / TAILS = Survival Roll

If you land on Heads, your pups will all survive this roll, but if you land on Tails, we do one more coin flip for EACH PUPPY

*Heads = The puppy will survive / Tails = the puppy dies

If all pups die, you can re-roll 1 month later

-FINALLY, If you have more than 2 pups in your litter, the remaining ones will be adopted out to new players (you decide whether they are adopted to new or existing players) Please note! The pups are not allowed to leave the world of COR! People adopting them are not allowed to take them out of the group (these are not adoptables)

-On a side note, even if you have a full litter of surviving pups, the character's owners can decide to kill off all but 2 of the pups if they do not wish to adopt out puppies

Your female parent will be pregnant for 3 months after everything is decided, this is to allow time for others to design the other puppies, AND allow you to have time to play with the idea of your momma running around pregnant! You can hold contests with members in the group, or other people that wish to join the group!

Your character must be active in the group (and you a member for at least 6 months) before you can have pups!
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